Thank you to all 300+ people in attendance of our panel session, as well as to all the panelists and volunteers who helped to make the evening a great success.
We will continue in our efforts to advocate on behalf of our membership and community. For those who may have missed last nights event, you can catch it on live stream.
Caribou Conservation and the Impact to Alberta Forests and Rural Communities
Public Information Awareness Panel: Thursday, September 7, 2017
Time: 6:30pm - 9:00pm
Location: St. Joseph Parish Hall
Price: FREE
Please RSVP to
Welcome Address:
Whitecourt & District Chamber of Commerce
Mayor Maryann Chichak, Town of Whitecourt
Moderator: Honourable Rob Merrifield
Panel Introductions:
Honourable Oneil Carlier: Minister of Agriculture and Forestry
Joseph Crocker: ECCC, Canadian Wildlife Service
Brian Makowecki: Director, Land and Environmental Planning
Scott Milligan: Executive Director, Land and Environmental Planning
Bruce Mayer: Assistant Deputy Minister, Forest Land Management
Robin Steenweg: Sr. Wildlife Biologist, Woodland Caribou Management
Kecia Kerr: Executive Director, CPAWS Northern Alberta
Carolyn Campbell: Conservation Specialist, Alberta Wilderness Association
Chris Montgomery: Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers
Jim McCammon: Director of Business Development, Alberta Newsprint Company
Ray Hilts: Director, Alberta Forest Alliance
Closing Remarks:
Mayor Jim Rennie, Woodlands County
Whitecourt & District Chamber of Commerce
Firsthand information from experts in their field, opportunity for question and answer will be provided after the panel presentation.

Caribou, Forestry & You - Public Awareness Information Panel Session

Caribou, Forestry & You - Final Itinerary

Alberta Caribou Fact Sheet - June 26, 2017

ACC-Species at Risk
Need more information?
If you have any questions or require more information about this event, please contact the Whitecourt & District Chamber of Commerce at 780-778-5363 or by email at
For the latest Chamber news and announcements, visit our Facebook page.